SURYA NAMASKAR MANTRA 1. Om Mitraya Namah (Prostration to Him who is friendly to all) 2. Om Ravaye Namah (Prostration to Him who is the cause for transformation) 3. Om Suryaya Namah (Prostration to Him who energizes activity) 4. Om Bhanave Namah (Prostration to Him who speads Light) 5. Om Khagaya Namah (Prostration to Him who moves in the sky) 6. Om Pushne Namah (Prostration to Him who nourishes all) 7. Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah (Prostration to Him who contains everything) 8. Om Marichaye Namah (Prostration to Him who possesses rays) 9. Om Adityaya Namah (Prostration to Him who is the son of Aditi) 10. Om Savitre Namah (Prostration to Him who produces everything) 11. Om Arkaya Namah (Prostration to Him who inspires) 12. Om Bhaskaraya Namah (Prostration to Him who is the source of enlightment) |